Yoga Pose (Asanas) for the treatment of Sinus

Sinus problem generally comes with the season and some other occurs due to inflammation in the air-filled cavities present in the skull.
These happen for many reasons such as stressful lifestyles, viral infections, fungal attacks, alcohol consumption, and smoking. 
The sinus problem occurs at any age, and to prevent these many medicines come into the market but to cure with sinus yoga plays an important role.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama is one of the best exercises for a Sinus problem. 
It helps to improve your focus, and control provides relief from stressful life and anxiety also helps to improve your brain, respiratory, and cardiovascular health.

Bhujanga- cobra or snake; asana- pose. 
Bhujangasana is very useful for people with respiratory disorders such as asthma and sinus. It helps to improve your blood circulation, Reduces fatigue and stress, improves your flexibility, provides strength to your back, and shoulder, and tones your abdomen.
The best time to do this asana is in the morning make sure you have an empty stomach or 4-5 hours after having your main meal.

Go – cow, mukha – face, asana – pose. 
Gomukhasana is good for people who have a problem with high bp and helpful for those with bad posture, it cures your stiff shoulders, reduces your stress and anxiety also provides Strength to back muscles ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits and chest and helps to maintain the good posture of your body.

Janu Sirsasana
Janu – Knee, Sirsa – Head, asana – pose or
Head-to-Knee Pose
Janu Sirsasana is the best asana to calm your brain gives relax from stress and mild depression. Most important head down posture will help in draining out the fluids and clearing the air passages for optimal breathing. The pose relieves headaches, fatigue, and anxiety. It helps to trigger your kidneys and liver; 
It calms the brain and eliminates mild depression; helps to reduce the pain in the waist and legs also improves your digestion and reduces belly fat; and gives strength to your rib bones.

Ustra – camel, asana – pose 
Ustrasana gives you calm from all types of back pain. This asana is helpful for thyroid patients. It improves your respiration and stretches your throat and chest. It provides relief to quads, and hip flexors, which are inactive because of an unhealthy lifestyle. You can do Ustrasana with an empty stomach for about 30 to 60 seconds.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
 Setu – Bridge; Bandha – Bind, Lock; Asana – Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is the best asana to provide relaxation from sinus pressure by stretching the chest and opening the throat. It improves your digestion reduce your anxiety depression and stress problem, and calm your mind;  Very helpful for chest neck, and spine strain, and provide relief for asthma, and high blood pressure. You can hold this pose for about 20 to 30 seconds.
