Super Food to cure stomach ulcer Fast

Nowadays many medicines are on the market to heal stomach ulcers but there is some food that helps to heal the ulcer. High-fiber food is very good for a stomach ulcer patient. Food that is rich in “good” bacteria called probiotics is very helpful for stomach ulcers.

Fiber-Rich Foods
High-fiber food such as pear, apple, oatmeal, carrot, beans, cabbage, and other foods that contains high fiber are good for ulcer. High-fiber food reduces the amount of acid in your stomach and gives relaxation from bloating and pain. Fiber-rich food helps to relieve constipation.

Flavonoids rich Food
Flavonoid-rich food is good for ulcers. They prevent the bacteria from damaging the stomach lining. Try to take strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, apples, celery, cranberries, and cranberry juice it gives you relief from stomach ulcers.

Foods high in vitamin A
Retinol found in vitamin A helps to make a vigilant mucus in the stomach and GI tract. Food rich in vitamin A  helps to cure ulcers faster without bloating and pain. Such food is. Beef Liver, Lamb Liver, Salmon, Hard-Boiled Egg, Feta Cheese, Sweet Potato (cooked), Winter Squash (cooked), Kale (cooked), Turnip Greens (cooked), Sweet Red Pepper (raw), Spinach (raw),  Mango, Pink or Red Grapefruit, Watermelon, Papaya, Guava, etc

Note:- Avoid too much to take Liver and liver products because it is very rich in Vitamin A and too much can weaken the bones over time.

Green tea black tea and oolong tea are good for stomach ulcers these tea don't damage the bacteria that are good for your gut. It also prevents the overgrowth of H. pylori in your stomach.

Green vegetable
If you want to cure your stomach ulcer fast avoid oily spicy and hard food take cabbage and carrot juice in your routine avoid spicy vegetables instead of this take boiled Ridged Gourd bottle gourd, Cauliflower, and avoid taking Spinach and other green saag because they contain acid. It has a similar pH level to other foods like asparagus, beans, turnips, and beets. Raw spinach is also more acidic than cooked spinach.

