Yoga Pose (Asanas) for the treatment of Migraine

If you are suffering from headaches for a long time and you are diagnosed with a migraine, then its a time to start yoga a safe and best treatment for migraine. There are numerous therapies for headaches and migraines, yoga is a safe and efficient way to relieve pain. Yoga is a side-effect-free method to fight migraines. Try these simple yoga postures for a few minutes every day will help prepare you better for the next migraine attack:

Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Hasta- hand; Padah- foot; asana- pose
The Hastapadasana helps to increase your blood supply and gives strength to your body it calms your mind and body. It helps to tone the abdominal organs.
Note:- People suffering from lower back injuries, Spondylitis, Cervical pain, or any kind of back and spinal problems should not do this pose.

Shishuasana (Child Pose)
Shishu- child; asana- pose
The Child Pose relaxes the nervous system and adequately reduces the pain. It Deeply relaxes back pain and also provides Relieves constipation.
Note:-In case of serious back or knee injuries avoids this Shishuasana yoga pose.
Avoid this pose if you suffering from diarrhea.
If you are pregnant then avoid doing this pose.
Avoid this pose if you suffering from diarrhea.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Adho – Forward; Mukha – Face; Svana - Dog
The Downward Facing Dog Pose increases blood circulation to the brain and thus relieves headaches. This yoga pose gives you  energy and refreshes your body
It expands your spine and strengthens the muscles of the chest increasing lung capacity.
It brings strength throughout the body, especially the arms, shoulders, legs, and feet also helps to tone your muscles.
Note:-Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from Carpel tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure,  detached eye retina, weak eye capillaries, dislocated shoulder/shoulder injury, or diarrhea
Marjariasana (Cat Stretch)
Marjari - Cat; Asana - Posture or Pose
This pose brings more oxygen to your brain, which can help ease some of your headache pain. It relieves tension in your upper body and also boosts your blood flow and circulation. It gives Strengthens wrists and shoulders and gives flexibility to the spine.
Note:- Avoid Cat Stretch (Marjariasana) if you have back or neck-related problems.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Padma - Lotus, asana - posture or pose or position
The Lotus Pose relaxes the mind and eases your headache. It triggers the flow of energy in the body and can have amazing effects when practiced with Padmasana. Breathe for a few minutes while in the mudra and observe the flow of energy in the body. It Improves digestion relaxes your muscular tension and brings blood pressure under control. Padmasana is very helpful for pregnant ladies during childbirth it also provides relief for menstrual problems.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Sava - Corpse; Asana - Pose
The Corpse Pose rejuvenates the body by bringing it into a deep state of meditative rest. You can end the yoga routine by lying down in this pose for a couple of minutes.
The Corpse Pose brings a deep, meditative state of calm and relaxation, which may help in the repair of tissues and cells, and in releasing stress. It also gives time for the yoga workout to sink in at a deeper level.
This posture leaves you in a state of revitalization. It is an excellent way to end a yoga session, particularly if it has been a fast-paced one.
It helps reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia.
This is an excellent way to ground the body and reduce the Vata dosha(imbalance of the air element) in the body.

