Math Functions is used to hold the integer and float value within a certain range. 1. abs :- It is used to give the result in a positive number of distinct numbers. <?php echo(abs(90.7) . "<br>"); echo(abs(-78.744) . "<br>"); echo(abs(-300) . "<br>"); echo(abs(3)); ?> Output 90.7 78.744 300 3 2. ...
Anamika Gupta
Aug 03, 2018
Function play an important role in programming language as it organise our code in a proper manner. We can use our code over and over by naming it only. The function works very similar to variable, but they are more powerful than that. Function Syntax <?php function functionName() { // ...
Anamika Gupta
Jul 10, 2018
Function is an arrangement of a statement that execute like a data processing or computing.  Whenever you define a function you define the name of the function. You can call a function by its name, it is called a  function call. Syntax def functionname( parameters ): "function_docstring" ...
Anamika Gupta
Jun 06, 2018
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