In Java scope of a variable is the section of the program where the variable is attainable inside the area where they are created. Like C/C++, in Java, all identifiers are logical or statical examine, i.e.scope of a variable can be set at compile-time and independent of the function call stack.  Method ...
Anamika Gupta
May 02, 2022
As we know that Java is an object-oriented programming language. It is allied with classes and objects together with its attributes and methods. For example: in real life, a Perfume is an object. The Perfume has attributes, such as smell and color, and methods, such as cold-extraction and Distillation. The ...
Anamika Gupta
Dec 23, 2021
Inheritance work on tree like hierarchical structure. Inheritance is a form of reusability in which new classes are created from current classes by absorbing their attributes and behaviour and arrange these with capacity the new classes require.Inheritance are powerful techniques for dealing with software ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 25, 2018
The list of keywords in Java and their use are:- abstract boolean break byte case catch  char class continue default do double else extends false final finally float for if implements import instanceof int interface long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try void volatile while       abstract ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 16, 2018
Class in javascript Classes are the function which is used to define expression and declarations. Basically  the Java script is a classless language, it supports the object.In the javascript class work in the same way like other language that's why classes are called syntactic sugar . class ...
Anamika Gupta
May 18, 2018
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