Java store list of values in arrays. An array  is a group of contiguous (near) memory locations that all have the same name and the same type.  To refer to a specific locations or element within the array, we specify the name of the array and position number of the appropriate elements in ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 21, 2018
The list of keywords in Java and their use are:- abstract boolean break byte case catch  char class continue default do double else extends false final finally float for if implements import instanceof int interface long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try void volatile while       abstract ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 16, 2018
Java has achieve such a large fan base and extraordinary popularity  because the language expand on a large basis and it is  easy and efficient approach to perform various programming tasks and aid the developers.By using these technique we can avoid error in Java program   1. Every ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 15, 2018
Loop in Java is known as a repetition, it  allows the programmer to point out that an action is to be repeated while some condition remain true. It is implemented in one of three ways:- 1. While loop  2. do/while loop 3. for loop while loop   The while loop ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 14, 2018
Just like every program Java has also a control structure, it is a section of a program that is used to resolve a problem based on a given parameter. There are three types of control structure :- Sequence:-  Sequence is trivial. Normally in the program the statement  are performed one ...
Anamika Gupta
Sep 11, 2018
Java has caused its name as Java because it was one of the first choice along with silk .The team combined to select a new name and they recommended the word "dynamic", revolutionary, silk, jolt, DNA, etc...and the team want that the word should reflect with the technology, which was revolutionary ...
Anamika Gupta
Apr 26, 2018
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